Why is Research Important?
Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is a leading type of birth defect – and an increasing number of these children are living into adulthood as a result of advances in surgical interventions. However, children with CHD are predisposed to developing modifiable risk factors later in life such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Cardiac rehabilitation programs for adults are well established non-pharmacological treatments for individuals with various cardiac conditions. Yet, there is little research to show the effectiveness and feasibility of a pediatric physical activity and mental wellness program.
The research team of the Mending Little Hearts Fund is made up of doctors and researchers from the College of Kinesiology, College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan and the Department of Psychology at the University of Regina. The research team contributes to and helps facilitate programming at CHAMPS Camp, in addition to numerous research initiatives outside of camp involving children, youth, and adults with CHD.
The Goals of CHAMPS Research
Determine if we can change important health measures (exercise capacity, body composition, blood vessel health, psychological health, nutritional habits, etc.).
Answer the question “Is it feasible to deliver regular year-round congenital heart disease management programming for children and their families?”
Increase the impact of health benefits that CHAMPS can offer for children and adolescents with CHD.

Participate in a Study
Participants Needed: Opportunities and Barriers to Physical Literacy for children with CHD
Project Title: Perceptions of Opportunities and Barriers to Physical Literacy for Children with Congenital Heart Defects
The purpose of this study is to explore physical literacy among children with CHD. Physical literacy involves how well you move and interact with your environment through activities like play, sports and movement.
Participation Eligibility:
- 7-17 years of age
- Clinical diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease
Participation will include:
- Two online surveys related to your child’s heart health and physical activity
- Taking photos that represent your experiences with physical literacy
- Focus group with other children with CHD to discuss what helps them enjoy physical activities and what challenges they face
- Total time commitment is around 3 hours total
Interested in participating? Contact:
Matthew Chapelski, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student in Kinesiology
University of Saskatchewan
This study has been approved by the University of Saskatchewan Research Ethics Board. This study is NOT linked to your child’s care in the pediatric cardiology department at the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital or any other medical care. Your child’s pediatric cardiologist and clinic staff will not know whether your family agrees to participate or not.
Participants Needed: Parents of children 0-4 years with and without CHD
Project Title: Exploring the wellbeing and service needs of parents of young children with and without congenital heart disease
To participate in this study, you must be living in Western Canada (i.e., Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, or British Columbia), be able to read in English, be above 18 years of age, and have at least one healthy child between the ages of 0-4 or one child with CHD between the ages of 0-4. This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Regina.
The study consists of a questionnaire regarding you and your child’s demographic information, your wellbeing, and other factors that may be associated with your wellbeing. Participation will take 30-45 minutes. You will be entered into a draw for 1 of 3 $50 Amazon gift cards as a thank you for your participation. For additional information please contact myself at or my supervisor, Dr. Kristi Wright, Registered Doctoral Psychologist at
Although we have asked your organization to share information about our study with you, they are not involved in the study whatsoever. They will not be informed whether or not you chose to participate in the study. If you do choose to participate in the study, your organization will not have access to any of the information you share. Your current or future care/services will not be impacted in any way regardless of whether or not you chose to participate in this research opportunity.
Please click the link below to participate in this study:
Primary Investigator:
Danielle Caissie, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student in Clinical Psychology
University of Regina
Research News
A pilot health intervention study of children with CHD
2015 - A pilot health intervention study of children with congenital heart defects: CHAMPS – Children’s Healthy- Heart Activity Monitoring Program in Saskatchewan In 2015, the first research project involving the Mending Little Hearts Fund was launched. Researchers...
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