Virtual Heartbeat Run Saskatoon – REGISTER TODAY!
The Heartbeat Run is an annual fundraising event in Saskatoon for the Mending Little Hearts Fund. Unfortunately, our in-person event has been cancelled this year due to provincial COVID-19 restrictions. The 2020 Heartbeat Run is going VIRTUAL! Want to learn more about how to support this great cause? Visit our Heartbeat Run page!
The virtual Heartbeat run is open September 16-October 20. REGISTER today!
There is a distance for everyone! Walk or run 1K, 5K or 10K – while raising money for Saskatchewan’s heart families.
Individuals who’ve experienced a previous cardiac event are encouraged to participate. Each event serves as a fundraiser, helping to raise awareness and funds to support all aspects of cardiovascular care.
We encourage you to share the experience with family, friends and co-workers. Check out these great fundraising incentives!
Together, we can make every step count! THANK YOU for your support!
For more information visit our Facebook page, or the Virtual Heartbeat Run page.